Share Your Personal Protection Experiences and Win a Prize!


High-risk professions demand grit and gumption from the workforce. They also necessitate tough and reliable PPE to keep the workforce safe.

Personal protection should not be a matter of choice. The workforce in hazardous trades encounters several life-altering moments, full of life and death situations. Quick thinking, swift reaction, and more often, appropriate and adequate PPE play a vital role in not letting these situations escalate. These stories of exceptional bravery, right choices, and right protection must be shared to motivate others.

Smart Watch
<b>Smart Watch</b>
DuPont Hero Figures
<b>DuPont Hero Figures</b>
Nomex Fire Truck
<b>Nomex® Fire Truck USB Cable</b>

DuPont Experiences

DuPont™ Tyvek® protects automobile employees during a cleaning process that uses CO2 at low temperatures
DuPont™ Tychem® 4000 protects against toxic chemicals during aluminum manufacturing processes.
World’s biggest company for industrial automation solutions adopted DuPont™ Nomex® Essential Arc garment.
DuPont™ Kevlar® showed greater safety and comfort during maintenance tasks involving cuts and abrasion risk.

Tales of Bravery

Stories of workforce who have lived to tell the tale!­­

Visionary Words

The future belongs to those who can adapt. The visionaries who create DuPont products share their knowledge.