Nomex® Knowledge Center


Introducing Nomex® Comfort 

The latest and lightest innovative FR PPE fabric available exclusively from DuPont.

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Emergency response

Discover how firefighters can benefit from Nomex® flame-resistant fiber.

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Lab safety

Sudden fires are a major hazard in lab settings. Nomex® can help.

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Nomex® is helping to protect fighting men and women from fire hazards.

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Your resource for flame-resistant (FR) garment knowledge.
Fire is unpredictable. And deadly. That’s why workers who face on-the-job threats of fire and electric arc hazards rely on (FR) clothing made with DuPont™ Nomex®.
Every day around the world, in labs, on battlefields, in burning buildings and countless other hot spots, this advanced fiber helps keep millions of workers safe from extreme danger. The inherent protection of Nomex® fiber—protection that can’t be washed out or worn away—is an essential safeguard for emergency responders, military troops, police officers, scientists and industrial workers around the world, all who trust the durability and advanced flame-resistant properties of Nomex® to help bring them home safe.


The Flame-resistant knowledge below points you in every safe direction.

Nomex® for Stationwear: Thermal Protection from the Inside Out
Nomex® for Stationwear: Thermal Protection from the Inside Out
Nomex® Fabric: Proven Protection for Military and Police
Nomex® Fabric: Proven Protection for Military and Police

Selecting Flame-resistant Clothing for Laboratory Work
Selecting Flame-resistant Clothing for Laboratory Work